Wednesday, December 23, 2009


"As a man thinketh so is he" as always been and will forever be true.The key to your future lies within you. Do not look for solutions outside of you, look within your mind and envision your future.

The power of visualization derives from the fact that your mind cannot differentiate between a a vividly imagined occurrence and an actual one.

The law of success demands that you create affinity in your mind for your desires.Vividly visualize your desires in the present as if they have manifested.Add as many details as possible-sounds, colors etc.

Develop an emotional connection to your desires.Imagine how you'll feel when it has manifested and start feel like that now.This will create an energy flow between your presence and the future you desire.Do not wish or hope.Focus on your desire as if you already have it.

As you do this your mind will begin to receive guidance and wisdom that will bring it to pass.Be confident and positive.Confidence is the Marshall of the mental forces.Do not entertain doubt .

This principle has been used by sportsmen, military men and others to achieve superior achievements.

Visualization can be used to prepare for both small and big projects.You can picture specific situations, imagine different scenarios and prepare your best response.This helps to avoid being. caught of guard.

As you continue to access your visualization your subconscious mind starts looking for opportunities which will reinforce your visualized reality.You begin to change your perception of possibility.Your mannerism, speech and general approach to life starts changing.
You start becoming the kind of person that possesses your desired outcome.

When this happens.It will be just a short while before your desires manifest.
