Starting today, I'll be faithful in posting to this blog so that you can have access to the best of mind power techniques and strategies to get the best out of your mind.
Firstly,you need to know that your mind is different from your brain.I wont go into details now but if you are used to computers just take your brain to be the hardware whilst your mind is the software running on it.
Just like any software.You can improve,upgrade,edit,re-write etc.
You must first think in terms of success before you manifest success.As James Allen says:You can not travel without if you haven't traveled within.
Just like the recipe for a wonderful cake or the plan for a great building,a success consciousness doesn't mean you will succeed;it is definite promise of success.
A success consciousness is that state of mind in which you refuse to see yourself as anything but a success.
The Success Success Consciousness Technique
1.Believe that anything accomplished by another can be done by you.
No matter the circumstances of your life.They are just that -circumstances!They do not determine your life.Only your decisions do.We are all born with the same number of brain cells.
-more on this in future posts.
2.Create an I WILL attitude.
Don't say;I wonder if I can do this or that that.Develop an I CAN mindset and I WILL determination.Circumstances are no barrier to the I CAN-I WILL spirit.
Avoid the use of the words hope,wish and try.Emphasize the words CAN and WILL.
As soon as you have something you want to achieve get started on it.Procrastination brings death.
3.Have a definite objective.
Make sure you are definite about what you want to do to avoid sending confusing signals to your mind.Definiteness empowers focus.When you are definite you are able to harness your mental resources and focus them like a laser beam on your objective.
4.Develop a do it now attitude.
Just do it!
You can build a success consciousness about any area of your life - health,finances,relationships,career etc.
Hold the thought of the positive outcome and you will achieve it.