Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Memory Exercises
For example if your flatmate gives you a note for someone on your way to work.You will easily forget if you just put it in your pocket or bag.
To avoid forgetting say to yourself something like."I'll stop at the corner of Martins street on the way to work tomorrow and drop this letter for Mr Jones."This creates a future events association in your mind and you are very unlikely to forget.
The same rule can be applied to different events.The important thing is to deepen the impression at the very moment it enters your mind.Concentrate your your mind on the very idea and surround it with all possible associating of ideas,so that each one will reinforce the others.
The mind's laws of association states that ideas which enter the mind at the same time emerge at the same time,one assisting in recalling the other.
The reason you do not remember is that you do not concentrate you mind sufficiently on the purpose at the moment the impression was formed.
You can train yourself to concentrate and put into use the law of mental association.When you form this habit, your attention is easily centered and memory trained.
Memory Concentration Exercises
1.Select a picture.Look at it for about three minutes.Concentrate and observe every detail.Shut your eyes and see how much you can recall about the details.Think of as many details as you can,colors,background,foreground,shapes forms etc.Now open your eyes to see how accurate your recollection is.Practice over and over until your mental image corresponds perfectly with the original.
You can also do this with rooms,streets etc.
2.Develop the art of listening.Sit still for three minutes and just listen.How many different sounds,voices can you hear?Stop then listen again. You will discover you can hear some sounds you did not hear before.Classify each sound in purpose,loudness,harshness,rhythm etc.
3.When driving play mental games with vehicle plate numbers ahead of you.For example if the number is 456 add them up until it becomes one unit:4+5 =9 then 9+6=15 then 1+5 =6.
Do this exercises several times a day.You will soon discover that your ability to concentrate has improved!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
The power of visualization derives from the fact that your mind cannot differentiate between a a vividly imagined occurrence and an actual one.
The law of success demands that you create affinity in your mind for your desires.Vividly visualize your desires in the present as if they have manifested.Add as many details as possible-sounds, colors etc.
Develop an emotional connection to your desires.Imagine how you'll feel when it has manifested and start feel like that now.This will create an energy flow between your presence and the future you desire.Do not wish or hope.Focus on your desire as if you already have it.
As you do this your mind will begin to receive guidance and wisdom that will bring it to pass.Be confident and positive.Confidence is the Marshall of the mental forces.Do not entertain doubt .
This principle has been used by sportsmen, military men and others to achieve superior achievements.Visualization can be used to prepare for both small and big projects.You can picture specific situations, imagine different scenarios and prepare your best response.This helps to avoid being. caught of guard.
As you continue to access your visualization your subconscious mind starts looking for opportunities which will reinforce your visualized reality.You begin to change your perception of possibility.Your mannerism, speech and general approach to life starts changing.
You start becoming the kind of person that possesses your desired outcome.
When this happens.It will be just a short while before your desires manifest.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
In a few days we will be in the new year and most of us are dreading our annual resolution making. Making and failing to keep resolutions seems to be an annual tradition for most people. This year,let things be different.Resolve to keep your resolutions instead. The key to actually keeping your resolutions is being realistic. Most people are not realistic when it comes to setting goals, but if you want to break this negative pattern follow my tips below:
- Start with a small goals. Whether you want to lose weight, make more money in the upcoming year, or you want to start paying off your debt, you’ve got to break your resolution down into mini goals.Make it easy for your mind to approach and finish each task successfully. It’s nearly impossible for people to plan out an entire year in advance, so break your goals down into weeks or months. If you want to lose 40 pounds this upcoming year, break the weight-loss down into 5 pounds per month over the course of8 months. This will make it much easier for you to realistically plan out your resolution.
- Make a few resolutions. If your list of resolutions spans 10 pages then it’s unlikely that you will succeed. We all have things that we want to change in our lives, but change simply won’t happen over night. Focus on making just one or couple of changes this year.Tip:start with areas of your life that are bothering you the most.
- Start right away. If you want to quit gambling in the new year then don’t head to the casino on New Year’s Eve. New Years starts at midnight so be prepared to begin right away. If you don’t, you’ll continue to put it off throughout the year.Be ready to change to become the new person you want to be.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Starting today, I'll be faithful in posting to this blog so that you can have access to the best of mind power techniques and strategies to get the best out of your mind.
Firstly,you need to know that your mind is different from your brain.I wont go into details now but if you are used to computers just take your brain to be the hardware whilst your mind is the software running on it.
Just like any software.You can improve,upgrade,edit,re-write etc.
You must first think in terms of success before you manifest success.As James Allen says:You can not travel without if you haven't traveled within.
Just like the recipe for a wonderful cake or the plan for a great building,a success consciousness doesn't mean you will succeed;it is definite promise of success.
The Success Success Consciousness Technique
1.Believe that anything accomplished by another can be done by you.
No matter the circumstances of your life.They are just that -circumstances!They do not determine your life.Only your decisions do.We are all born with the same number of brain cells.
-more on this in future posts.
2.Create an I WILL attitude.
Don't say;I wonder if I can do this or that that.Develop an I CAN mindset and I WILL determination.Circumstances are no barrier to the I CAN-I WILL spirit.
Avoid the use of the words hope,wish and try.Emphasize the words CAN and WILL.
As soon as you have something you want to achieve get started on it.Procrastination brings death.
3.Have a definite objective.
Make sure you are definite about what you want to do to avoid sending confusing signals to your mind.Definiteness empowers focus.When you are definite you are able to harness your mental resources and focus them like a laser beam on your objective.
4.Develop a do it now attitude.
Just do it!
You can build a success consciousness about any area of your life - health,finances,relationships,career etc.
Hold the thought of the positive outcome and you will achieve it.